#include #include "sales_data.hpp" /* * * 2.41 - 1.22 * version 2, a bit more interactive but might not be desirable if using file redirections * */ int main () { SalesData book1; SalesData Sum; if(std::cin >> Sum.BookNo >> Sum.UnitsSold >> Sum.Revenue) { while(std::cin >> book1.BookNo >> book1.UnitsSold >> book1.Revenue) { if(Sum.BookNo == book1.BookNo) { Sum.UnitsSold += book1.UnitsSold; Sum.Revenue += book1.Revenue; } else { std::cout << "These books do not have the same ISBN" << std::endl; while(1) { std::string yesno; std::cout << "Do you wish to continue? Yes/No " << std::endl; std::cin >> yesno; if(yesno == "Yes") { break; } else if(yesno == "No") { return 0; } } continue; } } } std::cout << Sum.BookNo << " " << Sum.UnitsSold << " " << Sum.Revenue << std::endl; return 0; }