#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // int listen(int sockfd, int backlog); #define __FAIL EXIT_FAILURE #define BACKLOG 2 int main (void) { int sockfd = -1; // socket fd int gai_result; // result from getaddrinfo int bind_result = -1; // result from bind struct addrinfo *res; // Pointer to linked list sent back by gai struct addrinfo *p; // for linked list stuff struct addrinfo hints; // Options we pass to gai memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); // We set this struct to 0 and then give it all the options we want below hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; gai_result = getaddrinfo(NULL, "62000", &hints, &res); // NULL because we are going to listen if (gai_result != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "gai_result: %d\n", gai_result); exit(__FAIL); } for (p = res ; p != NULL ; p = p->ai_next) { // Loop sockfd = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol); // Socket, get the family, socktype and protocol. if (sockfd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "sockfd: %d\n", sockfd); continue; } bind_result = bind(sockfd, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen); // Bind to socket fd. pass our own address (ai_addr) and the length if (bind_result != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bind_result: %d\n", bind_result); close(sockfd); continue; } } if (sockfd == -1 || bind_result == -1) { exit(__FAIL); } freeaddrinfo(res); // free the info because we dont need it anymore fprintf(stdout, "Waiting for a connection...\n"); listen(sockfd, BACKLOG); // Actually listen for connections with the sockfd socklen_t addr_size; // Size of address struct sockaddr_storage their_addr; // pass this struct to accept because it will hold their address addr_size = sizeof(their_addr); // Check the size of their addr int newfd; // New fd newfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, &addr_size); // Actually accept. Pass the sockfd, cast their_addr to sockaddr and send the address to the function. Pass the addr_size address so we can handle the length. fprintf(stdout, "Connection is being established...\n"); if (newfd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "newfd: %d\n", newfd); exit(__FAIL); } char host_ip[NI_MAXHOST]; char port_port[NI_MAXSERV]; int gni; gni = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, addr_size, host_ip, sizeof(host_ip), port_port, sizeof(port_port), NI_NUMERICSERV | NI_NUMERICHOST); if (gni == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Client %s %s just connected!\n", host_ip, port_port); } size_t rlen = 1024; int recv_ret; size_t bytes_recieved = 0; while(true) { char recvmsg[rlen]; recv_ret = recv(newfd, recvmsg, rlen, 0); bytes_recieved = bytes_recieved+recv_ret; if (recv_ret < 1) { break; } recvmsg[recv_ret] = '\0'; fprintf(stdout, "%s", recvmsg); //fprintf(stdout, "loop"); memset(&recvmsg, 0, rlen); } if (recv_ret == -1) { bytes_recieved = bytes_recieved + 1; } fprintf(stdout, "bytes recieved: %ld\n", bytes_recieved); return 0; }