#include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <string.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <stdarg.h> #define USAGE "to be decided" #define MODE_NORMAL -1 #define MODE_YES 0 #define MODE_NO 1 #define MODE_FORCE 2 #define ENVVAR_HOME "HOME" #define NOFILE 3 bool v_cvm_fprintf = false; int choice_mode = MODE_NORMAL; struct trashsys_log_info { uint64_t ts_log_id; char ts_log_filename[FILENAME_MAX]; // doublecheck this! size_t ts_log_filesize; time_t ts_log_trashtime; char ts_log_originalpath[PATH_MAX]; bool ts_log_tmp; }; struct dynamic_paths { char old_trashfile_path[PATH_MAX]; char new_trashfile_path[PATH_MAX]; char new_logfile_path_incl_name[PATH_MAX]; }; struct initial_path_info { // Initial useful strings to create before we do anything. Super useful when programming. char ts_path_user_home[PATH_MAX]; char ts_path_trashsys[PATH_MAX]; char ts_path_log[PATH_MAX]; char ts_path_trashed[PATH_MAX]; char ts_path_user_home_withslash[PATH_MAX]; char ts_path_trashsys_withslash[PATH_MAX]; char ts_path_log_withslash[PATH_MAX]; char ts_path_trashed_withslash[PATH_MAX]; }; int handle_ynf(bool y_used, bool n_used, bool f_used) { // Will handle cases for y, n and f. Exits if any of these are used together. int choice_mode_ynf = MODE_NORMAL; if (n_used == true && y_used == true) { // If both YES and NO are used print usage and exit fprintf(stderr, "%s", USAGE); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (n_used == true && f_used == true) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", USAGE); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (y_used == true && f_used == true) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", USAGE); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (n_used == true) { choice_mode_ynf = MODE_NO; } if (y_used == true) { choice_mode_ynf = MODE_YES; } if (f_used == true) { choice_mode_ynf = MODE_FORCE; } return choice_mode_ynf; } int cvm_fprintf(bool ONOROFF, FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) { // a sort of debug fprintf if (ONOROFF == false) { return 0; // Return 0 to indicate no characters were printed } // If condition is true, proceed with fprintf va_list args; va_start(args, format); int result = vfprintf(stream, format, args); va_end(args); return result; // Return the result from fprintf } char *concat_str(char *final, ssize_t rem_size, const char *from) { // IF you use this function PLEASE know this: // rem_size is the amount of characters left in final // rem_size should NOT include \0 in the size // So if you were to have 5 remaining characters then 5 is what you put as the argument // from is calculated and then we add +1 to account for the \0 character. if (final == NULL || from == NULL) { return NULL; } ssize_t from_len = strlen(from); if (from_len+1 > rem_size) { cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stderr, "IF: from_len: %li\nIF: rem_size: %li\n", from_len+1, rem_size); return NULL; } cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stderr, "Ffrom_len: %li\nRrem_size: %li\n", from_len+1, rem_size); strcat(final, from); return final; } void free_ipi(struct initial_path_info *ipi) { // Free all info in initial_path_info created from fill_ipi free(ipi); cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stderr, "initial_path_info free'd\n"); } struct initial_path_info *fill_ipi() { // Function for filling out initial_path_info so it can be used later #define MY_PATH_MAX PATH_MAX char *ts_toplevel = "/.trashsys"; char *ts_log = "/log"; char *ts_trashed = "/trashed"; char *ts_toplevel_withslash = "/.trashsys/"; char *ts_log_withslash = "/log/"; char *ts_trashed_withslash = "/trashed/"; char *homepath; struct initial_path_info *ipi = malloc(sizeof(struct initial_path_info)); // malloc memory to struct ipi->ts_path_user_home[0] = '\0'; // Add null character to all of them because we'll be using concat_str (basically strcat) later ipi->ts_path_trashsys[0] = '\0'; ipi->ts_path_log[0] = '\0'; ipi->ts_path_trashed[0] = '\0'; ipi->ts_path_user_home_withslash[0] = '\0'; ipi->ts_path_trashsys_withslash[0] = '\0'; ipi->ts_path_log_withslash[0] = '\0'; ipi->ts_path_trashed_withslash[0] = '\0'; homepath = getenv(ENVVAR_HOME); // Get the home path of the current user if (homepath == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fill_ipi(): getenv failed"); free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ssize_t remaining_size = MY_PATH_MAX; ssize_t remaining_size_2 = MY_PATH_MAX; // /home/john // /home/john/ if(concat_str(ipi->ts_path_user_home, MY_PATH_MAX, homepath) == NULL || concat_str(ipi->ts_path_user_home_withslash, MY_PATH_MAX, homepath) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fill_ipi: path is too long\n"); free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } remaining_size = remaining_size - strlen("/"); if(concat_str(ipi->ts_path_user_home_withslash, remaining_size, "/") == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fill_ipi: path is too long\n"); free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // /home/john/.trashsys // /home/john/.trashsys/ if(concat_str(ipi->ts_path_trashsys, MY_PATH_MAX, homepath) == NULL || concat_str(ipi->ts_path_trashsys_withslash, MY_PATH_MAX, homepath) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fill_ipi: path is too long\n"); free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } remaining_size = MY_PATH_MAX; remaining_size = remaining_size - strlen(ts_toplevel); remaining_size_2 = remaining_size_2 - strlen(ts_toplevel_withslash); if(concat_str(ipi->ts_path_trashsys, remaining_size, ts_toplevel) == NULL || concat_str(ipi->ts_path_trashsys_withslash, remaining_size_2, ts_toplevel_withslash) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fill_ipi: path is too long\n"); free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // /home/john/.trashsys/log // /home/john/.trashsys/log/ if(concat_str(ipi->ts_path_log, MY_PATH_MAX, ipi->ts_path_trashsys) == NULL || concat_str(ipi->ts_path_log_withslash, MY_PATH_MAX, ipi->ts_path_trashsys) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fill_ipi: path is too long\n"); free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } remaining_size = MY_PATH_MAX; remaining_size_2 = MY_PATH_MAX; remaining_size = remaining_size - strlen(ts_log); remaining_size_2 = remaining_size_2 - strlen(ts_log_withslash); if(concat_str(ipi->ts_path_log, remaining_size, ts_log) == NULL || concat_str(ipi->ts_path_log_withslash, remaining_size_2, ts_log_withslash) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fill_ipi: path is too long\n"); free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // /home/john/.trashsys/trashed // /home/john/.trashsys/trashed/ if(concat_str(ipi->ts_path_trashed, MY_PATH_MAX, ipi->ts_path_trashsys) == NULL || concat_str(ipi->ts_path_trashed_withslash, MY_PATH_MAX, ipi->ts_path_trashsys) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fill_ipi: path is too long\n"); free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } remaining_size = MY_PATH_MAX; remaining_size_2 = MY_PATH_MAX; remaining_size = remaining_size - strlen(ts_trashed); remaining_size_2 = remaining_size_2 - strlen(ts_trashed_withslash); if(concat_str(ipi->ts_path_trashed, remaining_size, ts_trashed) == NULL || concat_str(ipi->ts_path_trashed_withslash, remaining_size_2, ts_trashed_withslash) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fill_ipi: path is too long\n"); free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stdout, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" , ipi->ts_path_user_home , ipi->ts_path_trashsys , ipi->ts_path_log , ipi->ts_path_trashed , ipi->ts_path_user_home_withslash , ipi->ts_path_trashsys_withslash , ipi->ts_path_log_withslash , ipi->ts_path_trashed_withslash ); return ipi; } int check_create_ts_dirs(struct initial_path_info *ipi) { // 1. Check if trashsys toplevel exists 2. Check if log exists 3. Check if trashed exists int mkd; mkd = mkdir(ipi->ts_path_trashsys, 0755); if (mkd < 0) { if (errno == EEXIST) { cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stderr, ".trashsys exists\n"); } else { return -1; } } else { cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stderr, "%s was created\n", ipi->ts_path_trashsys); } mkd = mkdir(ipi->ts_path_log, 0755); if (mkd < 0) { if (errno == EEXIST) { cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stderr, "log exists\n"); } else { return -1; } } else { cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stderr, "%s was created\n", ipi->ts_path_log); } mkd = mkdir(ipi->ts_path_trashed, 0755); if (mkd < 0) { if (errno == EEXIST) { cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stderr, "trashed exists\n"); } else { return -1; } } else { cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stderr, "%s was created\n", ipi->ts_path_trashed); } return 0; } uint64_t find_highest_id (struct initial_path_info *ipi) { // Find highest id and then return it, because we will create the new log entry as highestID + 1 // We need to check whether a file is a directory or just a file. uint64_t id = 1; struct dirent *ddd; DIR *dir = opendir(ipi->ts_path_log); if (dir == NULL) { free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Return here or exit() ?? while ((ddd = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { // MUST BE TESTED MORE!!! char stat_fullpath[PATH_MAX]; stat_fullpath[0] = '\0'; ssize_t remaining_size = PATH_MAX; if(concat_str(stat_fullpath, PATH_MAX, ipi->ts_path_log_withslash) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Path is too long\n"); // rare case but at least its handled free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } remaining_size = remaining_size - strlen(stat_fullpath); if(concat_str(stat_fullpath, remaining_size, ddd->d_name) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Path is too long\n"); // rare case but at least its handled free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct stat d_or_f; stat(stat_fullpath, &d_or_f); if(S_ISREG(d_or_f.st_mode)) { // check if given file is actually a file cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stdout, "is regular file: %s\nstat_fullpath: %s\n", ddd->d_name, stat_fullpath); char *endptr; uint64_t strtoull_ID = strtoull(ddd->d_name, &endptr, 10); if(ddd->d_name == endptr) { cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stdout, "d_name == endptr | d_name: %p | endptr: %p | d_name string: %s\n", ddd->d_name, endptr, ddd->d_name); continue; } if(*endptr != ':') { cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stdout, "':' not found for file: %s\n", ddd->d_name); continue; } if(strtoull_ID > id) { // If id is bigger then update it id = strtoull_ID; cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stdout, "found higher ID: %d\n", id); } } } closedir(dir); return id; } int tli_fill_info (struct trashsys_log_info *tli, char* filename, bool log_tmp, struct initial_path_info *ipi) { // This function will be the main function that gathers and fills out info that will be in the log file for a file a user wants to trash char *rp; time_t curtime; rp = realpath(filename, NULL); // get full entire path of the file if (rp == NULL) { return NOFILE; } tli->ts_log_originalpath[0] = '\0'; tli->ts_log_filename[0] = '\0'; if(concat_str(tli->ts_log_originalpath, PATH_MAX, rp) == NULL) { free_ipi(ipi); free(rp); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } free(rp); if(concat_str(tli->ts_log_filename, FILENAME_MAX, basename(filename)) == NULL) { free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tli->ts_log_tmp = log_tmp; // tmp or not? curtime = time(NULL); if (curtime == -1) { free_ipi(ipi); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tli->ts_log_trashtime = curtime; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); // We get the filesize in bytes if(file == NULL) { return NOFILE; } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); long filesize = ftell(file); fclose(file); tli->ts_log_filesize = (size_t)filesize; uint64_t ID = find_highest_id(ipi); tli->ts_log_id = ID + 1; // +1 because if we are making a new file we need to give it one above highest ID. return 0; } /* int prepare_log_paths(struct initial_path_info *ipi, struct trashsys_log_info *tli) { } */ int fill_dynamic_paths (struct initial_path_info *ipi, struct trashsys_log_info *tli, struct dynamic_paths *dp) { /* struct dynamic_paths { char old_trashfile_path[PATH_MAX]; char new_trashfile_path[PATH_MAX]; char new_logfile_path_incl_name[PATH_MAX]; }; */ ssize_t remaining_size = PATH_MAX; dp->old_trashfile_path[0] = '\0'; dp->new_trashfile_path[0] = '\0'; dp->new_logfile_path_incl_name[0] = '\0'; // /path/to/my/file.txt if(concat_str(dp->old_trashfile_path, PATH_MAX, tli->ts_log_originalpath) == NULL) { return -1; } // /home/john/.trashsys/trashed/file.txt if(concat_str(dp->new_trashfile_path, PATH_MAX, ipi->ts_path_trashed_withslash) == NULL) { return -1; } remaining_size = remaining_size - strlen(tli->ts_log_filename); if(concat_str(dp->new_trashfile_path, remaining_size, tli->ts_log_filename) == NULL) { return -1; } // /home/john/.trashsys/log/35:file.txt remaining_size = PATH_MAX; char idstr[23]; snprintf(idstr, 23, "%ld:", tli->ts_log_id); concat_str(dp->new_logfile_path_incl_name, PATH_MAX, ipi->ts_path_log_withslash); remaining_size = remaining_size - strlen(idstr); concat_str(dp->new_logfile_path_incl_name, remaining_size, idstr); remaining_size = PATH_MAX; remaining_size = remaining_size - strlen(tli->ts_log_filename); concat_str(dp->new_logfile_path_incl_name, remaining_size, tli->ts_log_filename); cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stdout, "%s\n%s\n%s\n" , dp->old_trashfile_path , dp->new_trashfile_path , dp->new_logfile_path_incl_name ); return 0; } int write_log_file(struct dynamic_paths *dp, struct trashsys_log_info *tli, bool t_used_aka_tmp) { char *tmp_path = "/tmp/"; if (t_used_aka_tmp == true) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", tmp_path); } fprintf(stdout, "plcf: %s\n", dp->new_logfile_path_incl_name); FILE *file = fopen(dp->new_logfile_path_incl_name, "w"); if(file == NULL) { printf("%s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } fprintf(file, ";\n%ld\n%s\n%ld\n%ld\n%s\n%d\n;\n", tli->ts_log_id, tli->ts_log_filename, tli->ts_log_filesize, tli->ts_log_trashtime, tli->ts_log_originalpath, tli->ts_log_tmp); fclose(file); return 0; } int choice(int mode) { char choice; char modechoice; do { if (mode == MODE_NORMAL) { fputs("[Y / N] ? ", stdout); } if (mode == MODE_YES) { fputs("[Y / n] ? ", stdout); } if (mode == MODE_NO) { fputs("[y / N] ? ", stdout); } if (mode == MODE_FORCE) { return 0; } choice = getchar(); if (choice == '\n' && mode == MODE_YES) { modechoice = 'Y'; choice = modechoice; goto modeskip;} if (choice == '\n' && mode == MODE_NO) { modechoice = 'N'; choice = modechoice; goto modeskip;} if (choice == '\n' && mode == MODE_NORMAL) { continue; } while ('\n' != getchar()); } while ( (choice != 'Y') && (choice != 'y') && (choice != 'N') && (choice != 'n') ); modeskip: if ( (choice == 'Y') || (choice == 'y') ) { return 0; } if ((choice == 'N') || (choice == 'n') ) { return 1; } return EXIT_FAILURE; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: please specify a filename\n%s\n", argv[0], USAGE); return EXIT_FAILURE; } bool y_used = false; bool n_used = false; bool v_used = false; bool f_used = false; bool a_used = false; bool t_used = false; bool l_used = false; bool L_used = false; bool c_used = false; bool C_used = false; bool R_used = false; int opt; //int returnval; //char *optarg_copy = NULL; // We will copy optarg to this while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "ynvfatlLcCR:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'y': y_used = true; // YES on enter break; case 'n': n_used = true; // NO on enter break; case 'v': v_used = true; // Verbose debug mode break; case 'f': f_used = true; // choice will not ask, it will just say yes by default thus basically "forcing" it break; case 'a': a_used = true; break; case 't': t_used = true; break; case 'l': l_used = true; break; case 'L': L_used = true; break; case 'c': c_used = true; break; case 'C': C_used = true; break; case 'R': R_used = true; break; } } if(false) { // This is just so the compiler wont complain fprintf(stdout, "%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", R_used, C_used, c_used, L_used, l_used, t_used, a_used, f_used, v_used, n_used, y_used); } if (v_used == true) { v_cvm_fprintf = true; } // Verbose mode choice_mode = handle_ynf(y_used, n_used, f_used); choice(choice_mode); struct initial_path_info *ipi_m; // _m because i just want to keep in mind that we're in main which is a bit easier for me int cctd; ipi_m = fill_ipi(); // Fill out ipi struct cctd = check_create_ts_dirs(ipi_m); // check for or create directories if(cctd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "check_create_ts_dirs(): Cannot create directories\n"); free_ipi(ipi_m); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int index; for (index = optind ; index < argc ; index++) { cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stdout, "%s\n", argv[index]); struct trashsys_log_info tli_m; struct dynamic_paths dp; if(tli_fill_info(&tli_m , argv[index], false, ipi_m) == NOFILE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error '%s': No such file or directory\n", basename(argv[0]), basename(argv[index])); continue; } if(fill_dynamic_paths(ipi_m, &tli_m, &dp) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot process paths\n", basename(argv[0])); continue; } if(write_log_file(&dp, &tli_m, t_used) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot create logfile\n", basename(argv[0])); continue; } if(rename(dp.old_trashfile_path, dp.new_trashfile_path) == -1) { continue; } cvm_fprintf(v_cvm_fprintf, stdout, "ID: %ld\nfullpath: %s\nfilename: %s\ntime: %ld\ntmp: %d\nsize: %ld\n", tli_m.ts_log_id, tli_m.ts_log_originalpath, tli_m.ts_log_filename, tli_m.ts_log_trashtime, tli_m.ts_log_tmp, tli_m.ts_log_filesize); } free_ipi(ipi_m); return 0; }